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Nourishing, while also gently cleansing, and exfoliating the skin. You can use a few drops of water, or some whole fat yoghurt to make a paste, massage into your face for a few minutes, rinse and follow with serum or cream. Gentle nourish and exfoliate  every 2-3 days.

Ingredients: Organic sprouted wheat, almond,  flax, calendula, meadowsweet, oats, gotu kola, orange peel, orange blossoms, Persian rose blossoms

Exfoliate and Nourish

  • The ingredients are only natural, herbs and oils... It is best to keep them in a dry, cool place. The products should be used in a period of two to three months. They will last longer if kept in the fridge. A small, portable frige next to your vanity works nicely.  

Herbal Skin Care

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